The machine is mainly suitable for cutting one layer or layers of leather, rubber, plastic, paper-board, fabric, chemical fiber, non-woven and other materials with shaped blade. 1 2 3. Return stroke of the platen can be set arbitrarily to reduce idle stroke and i...
Nga Whainga me nga waahanga: He pai te miihini mo te tapahi i nga taonga kore, nga taonga taakaro iti, whakapaipai, nga putea hiako me era atu i te tapahi iti. 1. Rotation of swing arm is flexible, and operation and materials' selection is convenient. 2 3. The switch is oper...
Nga Whainga me nga waahanga: He pai te miihini mo te tapahi i nga taonga kore, nga taonga taakaro iti, whakapaipai, nga putea hiako me era atu i te tapahi iti. 1. Rotation of swing arm is flexible, and operation and materials' selection is convenient. 2 3. The switch is oper...
Nga Whainga me nga waahanga: He pai te miihini mo te tapahi i nga taonga kore, nga taonga taakaro iti, whakapaipai, nga putea hiako me era atu i te tapahi iti. 1. Rotation of swing arm is flexible, and operation and materials' selection is convenient. 2 3. The switch is oper...
Nga Whainga me nga waahanga: He pai te miihini mo te tapahi i nga taonga kore, nga taonga taakaro iti, whakapaipai, nga putea hiako me era atu i te tapahi iti. 1. Rotation of swing arm is flexible, and operation and materials' selection is convenient. 2 3. The switch is oper...
He pai te nuinga o te miihini mo te tapahi i tetahi paparanga o te hiako, te raima, te kirihou, te papa-papa, te miihini, me etahi atu taonga me etahi atu taonga. 1. The punch head can automatically move transversely, so the operation is laborsaving, the cutting force is strong. Because the machine is operated with both of hands, safety is high. 2. Use double cylinder and four-column oriented, automatically balancing links to ensure same cutting depth in every cutting region. 3 ...
He pai te nuinga o te miihini mo te tapahi i tetahi paparanga o te hiako, te raima, te kirihou, te papa-papa, te miihini, me etahi atu taonga me etahi atu taonga. 1. The punch head can automatically move transversely, so the operation is laborsaving, the cutting force is strong. Because the machine is operated with both of hands, safety is high. 2. Use double cylinder and four-column oriented, automatically balancing links to ensure same cutting depth in every cutting region. 3 ...
He pai te nuinga o te miihini mo te tapahi i tetahi paparanga o te hiako, te raima, te kirihou, te papa-papa, te miihini, me etahi atu taonga me etahi atu taonga. 1. The punch head can automatically move transversely, so the operation is laborsaving, the cutting force is strong. Because the machine is operated with both of hands, safety is high. 2. Use double cylinder and four-column oriented, automatically balancing links to ensure same cutting depth in every cutting region. 3 ...
Nga Whakamahi me nga waahanga: Ka whakamahia te miihini ki te tarai i te hiako, te raima, te papa pepa, te papa kiri, te poari me etahi atu taonga, te keehi, te peeke , stationery, automobile and other industries. 1 2. Cutting force is lasting force, which is suitable for cutting rubber trade specially...
Te whakamahi me nga ahuatanga: Ka whakamahia te nuinga o tenei miihini mo te pakaru o te papanga papanga, pvc kirihou ranei, he papa papaaho, ko nga tohu tapanga, he rapa me etahi atu taonga hiko. He mea motuhake mo te tukatuka o nga pepa taapiri, taapiri waea pūkoro, whakaahua me etahi atu whakaritenga o te tukatuka iti o te waahanga, he waahanga o te haurua o te hawhe. The equipment is very convenient, and equipp...
Nga Whakamahi me nga waahanga: Ka whakamahia te miihini ki te tarai i te hiako, te raima, te papa pepa, te papa kiri, te poari me etahi atu taonga, te keehi, te peeke , stationery, automobile and other industries. 1 2. Cutting force is lasting force, which is suitable for cutting rubber trade specially...
Nga Whakamahi me nga waahanga: Ka whakamahia te miihini ki te tarai i nga awaawa, te hiako, te hiako, te rapa, te kirikiri matū, te pepa uaua me nga papanga miro. 1 2.. Ka whakahaerehia e te huringa hiko-a-wa-waa te whakahaere i te tuunga o te whiu, e whakaweto ana i te kounga me te whakaara i nga hu. Whakatikahia te teitei o te ringa ki te wehe i te teepu mahi hei mahi noa, pono me te waatea. Hinengaro Hangarau ...